
Q. How much does it cost to Auction something on Greyhound-Data Auctions?
A. It is free; there are no commissions, fees or hidden costs.
Q. How can I Auction something?
A. If you are not a verified member on and have a Greyhound-Data account please verify your account at:

If you are not a member of Greyhound-Data you will need:

1. Create a new account at:

2. Activate your account when you receive your activation email (If you do not receive this email please contact us

3. Finally please verify your account at:
Q. I am a verified member of Greyhound-Data but cannot put up an item for Auction, why?
A. When registering on Greyhound-Data-Auction make sure you are logging in with the same email address you use when logging in on
Q. Why can I only upload 1 photo and cannot put up a link to a video/website?
A. In order to upload 4 photos and put up a link to a video/website you would need to become a Gold Member on Greyhound-Data. Once you have created an account on Greyhound-Data please go to:

If you would like our maximum package to fully promote your auction and upload 4 photos and put up 4 links to videos/websites you would need to become a Diamond Member on Greyhound-Data. For more information please email
Q. I am raising money for a charity and have had some items donated for me to auction, can I use your website to do this?
A. Yes but you would need to email all the details to including dates of the auction and which organisation including contact numbers is officially running the event.