Q. I am a verified member of Greyhound-Data but cannot put up an item for Auction, why?
A. When registering on Greyhound-Data-Auction make sure you are logging in with the same email address you use when logging in on www.greyhound-data.com.
Q. Why can I only upload 1 photo and cannot put up a link to a video/website?
A. In order to upload 4 photos and put up a link to a video/website you would need to become a Gold Member on Greyhound-Data. Once you have created an account on Greyhound-Data please go to: www.greyhound-data.com/membership.htm
If you would like our maximum package to fully promote your auction and upload 4 photos and put up 4 links to videos/websites you would need to become a Diamond Member on Greyhound-Data. For more information please email brett@greyhound-data.com.
Q. I am raising money for a charity and have had some items donated for me to auction, can I use your website to do this?
A. Yes but you would need to email all the details to pam@greyhound-data.com including dates of the auction and which organisation including contact numbers is officially running the event.